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CAFHA uses research and data to connect fair housing to advocacy and grassroots organizing efforts.


 CAFHA has proudly supported some of the most impactful and successful local housing justice campaigns. From co-leading efforts to pass a landlord-tenant ordinance protecting more than 245,000+ renters in Cook County, to launching a coalition of over 100 organizations and returning citizens to increase housing opportunities for people with records and their families. CAFHA has used research and data to highlight how fair housing is connected to all of these advocacy initiatives, which began as small grassroots efforts. ​​

CAFHA brings together various experts and community leaders to advocate for changes to policies that increase equitable and affordable housing opportunities.

CAFHA conducts innovative housing research, shedding light on pressing issues and shaping solutions in collaboration with our community leaders, members, and partners.

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CAFHA offers training to housing seekers, housing providers, government agencies, and other organizations interested in understanding their fair housing rights and responsibilities.

The strength of our work comes from the strength of our members, partners, and community leaders we advocate alongside. 

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